What is BRIDGE?
The Let’s Play Music BRIDGE course is an additional year of instruction available to Let's Play Music Graduates. The BRIDGE course will reinforce and build upon the concepts and skills learned in Let's Play Music. The small group classes (4 students max) are engaging, fun and familiar for Let's Play Music students. The focus on complete musicianship continues to provide a well-rounded music education including:
Fun and familiar songs
Classical music study
Scales and technique exercises
Ear training
Rhythm study
Theory concepts
The study of music history and composers
Class Details
Classes of up to 4 students with each student playing on a full-size keyboard with weighted keys.
Parents do not need to attend but are welcome in the studio anytime.
The curriculum includes:​
​​30 weekly group classes, one hour each
two private lessons, 30 minutes each
Classes are held during the school year, late August - early May.
Students have the opportunity to play in two recitals, December and May.
Students must have an acoustic piano or a full-size keyboard with weighted keys at home for daily practice.
This is a fast-paced class. For best success, students should practice at least 5 days per week, other than class day, for 20-30 minutes per day.
Class Costs
One-Time Costs:
$25 registration fee, due when securing your class time
$75 materials fee for Complete Set or $50 for Sibling Set (plus shipping) due in May when materials are ordered
Monthly Class Fee:​
$100 per month, September – May
Materials will be ordered and ready for you at the parent meeting held the week before classes begin.
Technique Book
2 Workbooks
Audio Tracks - 45 accompaniment audio tracks for playing songs, scales, cadences and other exercises at the piano